Never hire someone who knows less than you do about what he’s hired to do

Malcolm Forbes

Service companies

Personal services to companies in countries of registration in full accordance with the legislation

You need to maintain a purchased foreign company on a yearly basis. This means to pay the annual registration fees in due time, as well as to pay for the legal address of the company and for services of a director, a shareholder, and a secretary. In some jurisdictions, presence of a local director or secretary is stipulated by the legislation. Our company provides a complete range of services related to constant maintenance of a foreign structure that you purchase from us. When collaborating with us, you will not be concerned by what should be paid and when, or which reports should be provided and within which time limits.

Time Resources

Time Resources

When contacting us clients are often surprised to learn about the necessity of preparing and filing annual accounts for a tax-exempt or a low-tax company. Yet now this is obligatory even for owners of companies in such tax havens as Belize, the Seychelles, Panama, and the British Virgin Islands etc.

The necessity to prepare the company's financial statements arises also when a beneficiary, under the Law on Controlled Foreign Companies, informs the Russian tax authorities of its beneficial ownership. Such companies are obliged to provide to Russian tax authorities annual financial reports in accordance with the IFRS requirements. We can offer you services on preparing such statements as we possess all required resources for rendering such services. We can provide services of licensed auditors and assist in preparing annual tax reports and financial statements for such jurisdictions as well that do not require the participation of a licensed auditor.

Stable Company's Life

Stable Company's Life

We will assist you in registering an office, provide a legal address and, if necessary, services of directors, shareholders, and secretaries. By informing our clients in due time about mandatory annual actions regarding their foreign companies we create conditions for stable life of our clients' foreign structures and avoid potential tax risks.

Your only concern will be receiving profit from long-term and productive activity of a company that you own.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Even a minor delay in some payment can result in penalty charging and sometimes in legal proceedings. A company may be excluded from the register, and its director may be indicted. But this will never happen if you work with IVI GROUP.

Our lawyers and experts know all the legislative subtleties and nuances of each specific jurisdiction.


The European Union

The United Kingdom(as mentioned separately from the European Union)



China and Hong Kong as a special administrative region


the UAE

the EACU(Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan)

The criteria
for cooperation


A meeting is held only with an owner or manager of a business.


Before the meeting a complete description of a company's business activity should be provided including all the details.


All the documents should be provided at the meeting.


Complete mutual trust.


To know the value of your own and our time.


Complete confidentiality from both parties.

In order to comply with complete privacy,
individual appointment venues in a few hours